How an MBA Accelerates Your Career
July 21, 2020
Should You Pursue Online MBA Amid Corona Virus?
August 12, 2020The past years have not been so favorable with admissions for many MBA applicants. Business schools turned down a lot of applications since they could only cater to a specific number per academic year. Unfortunately, those numbers kept piling up to potentially face an even greater surge.
The 2020-2021 MBA Application is speculated to become one of the biggest ones yet. The reasons for this stems from many reasons in different geographical areas. However, there are some common denominators in all locations. Would these reasons make the 2020/21 MBA Applications in history?
Why 2020-2021 MBA Applications May Be The Biggest
The potential for being the most competitive year of admissions comes from an unusual turn of events. A couple of the factors are caused by the global pandemic from the coronavirus. The virus has severely affected the economies and livelihoods of many countries in the world.
These have influenced conditions for why business schools have more prospective students. For the 2020-2021 academic year, schools should be ready for a surge in applications. The major reasons for these include the following.
Impact of Recessions on Business Schools
Records from past recessions show a boost in the demand for graduate business education. Truly, recessions are tough times for businesses. Many try to find ways to overturn losses into profits. One such way is to seek graduate-level skills to advance one’s business or career in the business sector.
Just like previous recessions, the Covid-19 recession has the potential to increase business school applications. The scale of this recession has been dramatically large when compared to previous ones. Thus, the number of applications is also expected to be very large too.
Also, when economies are great, a small percentage of people decide to pursue graduate education. But, “when things go south, the opportunity cost of leaving work is lower” (New York Times). People take advantage of the less risk involved to decide when the right time is to further their education. With an online MBA Dubai, your chances are even better.
5-year Decline in Applications
The pent up demand for graduate schools over the past five years is bound to reflect in this year’s applications. Applicants from previous years might have used the services of consultants to improve their chances. Whether it is for an online MBA degree or face-to-face lessons, the number would rise.
The past five years have been rough on previous applicants. Each year, there has been a decline in the acceptance rates for prospective students. This year, the decline in acceptance rates also seems possible amidst the coronavirus. Schools might take approaches to avoid the spread of the virus. Others too would invest more in the provision of an online MBA degree.
Additionally, many schools did not decline the requests of business students who wished to defer their courses. Schools were lenient this time because of how the virus affected learning conditions. With high deferring numbers, schools cannot admit their regular numbers for their MBA programs.
Loss of Jobs
The Covid-19 recession caused a worldwide crash of stock markets in February. When recessions occur, economies face contractions as businesses lose demand in goods and services. Thus, companies face a downward flow of income with no profits earned. Many workers end up losing their jobs across various sectors.
There has been an unusually high rise in unemployment in countries across the globe. During these moments, laid-off workers use this as an opportunity to upgrade their skillsets for better jobs after. The free time obtained from unemployment would push many into many productive actions. Graduate school is one of the available options for many.
With the current pandemic, some may choose to earn an online MBA degree from the comfort of their homes. Imperial School of Management offers excellent options when you decide on online MBA Dubai. Use your free time to upgrade your skills while learning safely in your home.
The Rise of Online MBA Degree
In recent years, many schools have incorporated the use of online learning in schools. Some schools did a combined method where some classes were online. The remaining others were in-person classes.
Advancement in technology created ways to use the internet as a medium for efficient learning. At the same time, Programmers and developers continued to better the system. They built better User Interfaces and convenient apps for easy learning.
The global pandemic also pushed more schools into using online learning to complete the courses from the semester. Schools that were already providing an online MBA degree were at an advantage. Since then, schools have realized the importance of having a working online learning system.
A working online system is prevalent among business schools in Dubai. An online MBA Dubai offers comprehensive modules for receiving quality graduate education. In all, the quality of an online MBA degree would influence people to apply for admissions.
What Is Your Best Option?
The coronavirus has brought uncertain times to the world. With this scale of uncertainty, one of the most assured ways of upskilling would be through online means. An online MBA Dubai is a safer bet for students who wish to begin graduate school. Imperial School of Management offers an array of options through this path.
The school is amongst the business schools with an already existing dedication to the provision of online education. This gives the school leverage over many other schools. Additionally, you still have the option for international education even when travel restrictions exist.
The unusual events of the year would inevitably create a high number of applications. So, the real question many ask is whether this would be the highest yet. The possibility of this is set to be high due to the presence of many factors.
The coronavirus roots deep in some of these reasons. Together, the best option to consider is to consider online education. Earning an online MBA Dubai is one of the best routes for upskilling. When MBA applications end, we would know whether 2020-2021 received the biggest thus far.