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July 8, 2020The transformational leadership model is known to be one of the best leaders ever existed in the society. But how does this kind of leadership has got into existence? The James McGregor Burns is known for introducing the concept of transformational leadership in his book called “Leadership” in 1978. According to him, transformational leadership is a process where the leaders and its followers raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morals.
Another famous book named as “Leadership and performance expectations”, developed the concept for leadership and stated the transformational leaders should have the following qualities:
- Has great expectations
- Can set clear goals
- Can able to inspire goals to reach the improbable
- Stir the people’s emotions
- Encourage other
- Known to be a model of fairness and integrity
- Allow people to look ahead of their self-interest
How can anyone become a transformational leader?
There are multiple ways to become a transformational leader; let’s know-how:
Visionary Approach:
Everyone needs a compelling reason to follow the leader, and this is why you need to communicate and create an inspiring vision for your future. The vision can set your organizational or team goals and ensure that you regularly think about the achievement of the same. For the same, you can develop it partly by improving the understanding the value of your followers, partly by understanding the resources and capabilities of your institutions and lastly by investigating the analysis of the surrounding environment and then selecting the best way out of it.
If you are on your course for developing the vision for the teams, you can start with your ventures vision and mission and analyze your ways by allocating your team contribution to the same. Making small steps towards your imagination can make it interesting for you and your team members. Continue to inspire people to gain the visionary approach towards their life and goals.
Inspire, Motivate and Guide:
Starting with your mission statement, try to appeal to people’s values and look ahead to inspire them while leading. Try using the way of business storytelling being a part of the call to action. It will help people to create a positive impact on your vision for the people you are trying to help. Talking about your idea often and linking it to the people’s goals and tasks for giving the context will help the people to know the contribution.
The transformational leaders know the big things can never happen unless they tend to encourage people. Knowing about the various levels of motivation can inspire people to deliver their best. Guiding your team in the particular direction you want them to go for by setting goals, strategies and vision will help you in creating a ground for them. Motivate them by bringing the best by stating the expression of passion, communicating with optimism and confidence and connecting goals for a better purpose. The work doesn’t stop here, inspire the followers by engaging their talent, celebrate their achievements and re-recruit their spirits.
Build trust-based relationships with your followers:
For being a transformational leader, you had to be focused and pay attention to your people and work hard for achieving your dreams and goals. Leadership is a long-term process and allows them to work consistently towards building great relationships, earn their trust and help them in growing as an individual. Meeting your followers individually, counselling them often will assist them in achieving their career goals.
Ask them to outline their short term and long term goals. Ask them where they want to see themselves in five years from now and how can they reach their goals. Building trust levels can allow you to be sure that people will remain intact with you for the long term. A transformational leader is not just to lead its followers or influence people around but is also responsible for bringing change in the society. For the same counselling of people is also essential for them, because this will enlighten and develop a sense of responsibility in them towards the community and their desires.
Management of deliverables:
Knowing the outcome is also essential, especially if you want your vision to be transformed into reality. Many transformational leaders develop an idea that is far from the reality lines and end up delivering mundane work. Knowing about the strengths and weaknesses of the team is also essential for the same.
Manage your deliverables accordingly and look for a flowchart for developing stamina and self-discipline so that you do not put yourself down and rise higher every day. A leader should be a role model for his people for persistence and hard work. If you are looking forward to the same, then measure your steps and try making shorter goals for your work.
Encourage Innovation:
Transformational leaders are well known to think out of the box. They are the ones who are serious about bringing innovation on the table not just today, but from the time the concept was invented. The foster innovation can come across by challenging assumptions and analyzing the situation to do or not to do. The leaders train themselves in a way for reacting to failures and mistakes that no one in the team gets disheartened; instead, they make it a stepping stone. The tend to approach and project problems as learning opportunities. Always think twice when people seek approval from you for the ideas. Reward the people who put challenges in front of you and always show your independent thinking to encourage people of any caste and creed.
The transformational leaders are undoubtedly one of the best in bringing the change today. Making it best to the effort can bring a difference in the lives of many. Be a leader, a mentor and a person to whom people can look upto today and tomorrow.